When you register for a MemoryWorks workshop, one-on-one mentoring, or manuscript consultation, you are reserving one of a limited number of spots available, so please use the registration period to learn about the specifics of each offering and the time commitment involved, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions. This will ensure a good fit and fulfilling experience for all participants!

If you must withdraw from a workshop, mentoring, or consultation due to extenuating circumstances, the following refund policy applies:

  • If you withdraw at least one week prior to the start of the offering you have registered for, a refund of your registration fee minus a 3% processing fee is available.

  • If you withdraw less than one week prior to the start of the workshop, mentoring, or consultation, the registration fee is non-refundable. For one-on-one mentoring and month-long workshops, credit can be applied toward a future offering within a one year period.

  • If you withdraw on the day of the workshop or once the workshop, mentoring, or consultation has begun, no refund or credit is available, but workshop participants may access all materials, and consultations may be rescheduled within a one year period.

If an offering is cancelled by MemoryWorks for any reason, a full refund will be issued to all registered participants.

If you complete a workshop, mentoring, or consultation and are dissatisfied with the results, please let me know right away. I appreciate the feedback and will make every effort to address your concerns.

Thank you for helping me to make MemoryWorks a vibrant and supportive online space for next gen writers at all stages of their work.